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The Piggott School

A Church of England Academy

Vision and Values Artwork

Over the last 12 months, we have been completing a project to create pieces of art that represent the Piggott Values, designed, and produced by Piggott Students.

With the help of local artist Jo Habgood (, groups of students across the year groups have been meeting to plan, create and present their artwork to the school. These are now proudly hanging in the school hall and are awaiting the final 6th piece early this year. All six of our values are rooted in our school’s vision of the Good Samaritan and they aid us in our mission to ‘go and do likewise’.

Below the students are going to explain a little about what their artwork means to them and our school community.


Value Art: Love

Please watch this short video to hear the full explanation from our students


Year 7

Students: Louis, Evelyn, Dexter, Daryl and Isabel

This piece was created by our Year 7 group. Love is central to our school’s vision of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. The students took their inspiration from Banksy, the Beetles and words for love around the world.

Values Art: Dedication

Please watch this short video to hear the full explanation from our students

Year 8

Students: Greta, Thomas, Sean and Freya

This piece was created by our Year 8 students. Dedication is a key value when working to achieve your goals. The students were keen to capture the idea that you should never give up and always see things through to the end. 

Values Art: Equality 




Year 12

Students: Amelia and Jahnvi

This piece was created by our Year 12 students. This piece is best viewed in 3D so please have a look when next in the main hall! The students were keen to highlight that as part of a diverse and inclusive environment at the Piggott school when it comes to what unites us, we are all the same underneath. 

Values Art: Honesty

Please watch this short video to hear the full explanation from our students


Year 9

Students: Evie, Bella, Jocelyn, Roisin and Elowyn

This piece was created by our Year 9 students and is another one best viewed in person! The student’s inspiration here was that honesty involves always showing your true face and not wearing a mask of your true self and your emotions. 

Values Art: Courage


Year 10

Students: Scarlett, Izzy and Anna

This piece was created by our Year 10 students. There was a deep discussion that courage comes in lots of different ways, small and large. Ultimately, they settled on this simple but effective design.

A few of the themes here are:

  1. The road to courage can be an uphill climb, but just because it is hard work, does not mean you should turn back.
  2. That when you show courage, fear falls away. When you take the ‘leap’ you are making the decision that fear will not hold you back.
  3. That the landing, even if it is not exactly what you thought it would be, is beautiful because you had the courage to try. This is why it is coloured with flowers in the image.
  4. The students discussed in their assembly, the courage the Levite took in the story of the Good Samaritan to ask for and accept help. Alongside this as well, the courage of the Samaritan to help a stranger and go above and beyond in his help for him.
Values Art: Respect




Year 7:

Students: Winter-Lily, Eleanor, Erin and Larry

This piece of art was created by our Year 7 students and shows great creativity and reflection. The students were inspired to show Piggott as an inclusive community and how we show reverence to all of God’s people, as well as the environment and animals.