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The Piggott School

A Church of England Academy

Statutory Information and Policies

This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

 Term Time Holiday

Please read the following items from the Head Teacher regarding holidays in term time:


 Equality Objectives Summary
  1. Ensure opportunities are offered to skilled and talented staff whilst implementing strategies to retain the breath of appropriate skills and expertise and the stability to ensure high standards are maintained.
  2. Ensure all staff are aware of their responsibilities to address and report incidents of homophobia, racism, disability harassment, sexual and gender bullying, and religious harassment.
  3. Encourage equal participation for all in all aspects of school life by actively promoting opportunities fairly in and out of lessons and through other media to which all students have access.

Please download the Equalities Procedures and Objectives statement for further information.


Full List Of School Policies
  1. Absence from School in Term Time
  2. Absence Request form. update
  3. Acceptable internet usage Policy
  4. Accessibility Plan
  5. Admissions Arrangements
  6. Agape MAT Complaints policy
  7. Agape MAT Exclusion and Suspension Policy
  8. Agape MAT Gifts, hospitality and anti-bribery policy
  9. Agape MAT Governor and Trustee expenses Policy
  10. Agape MAT Prevent Policy
  11. Agape MAT Whistleblowing policy
  12. Allegations of abuse against staff procedures
  13. Anti-bullying Policy
  14. Assessment Policy
  15. Attendance Policy
  16. Behaviour (pupil) Management policy
  17. BYOD Policy
  18. CCTV Policy
  19. Charging and Remissions policy
  20. Collective Worship policy
  21. Consent to Administer AdHoc Medication
  22. Consent to Administer Emergency Medication
  23. Curriculum Policy
  24. Data Breach Notification Policy
  25. Data Protection Policy
  26. Designated teacher for looked after children policy
  27. Educational Visits policy
  28. Equalities policy
  29. Equality Information
  30. Equality Procedures and Objectives
  31. First Aid policy Wargrave site
  32. Freedom of Information Poliy
  33. Health and Safety Policy
  34. Holiday letter
  35. Information Security Policy
  36. Internet Access Policy
  37. Letting Procedures
  38. Medical needs policy
  39. Moving and Handling Policy
  40. Post 16 Bursary policy
  41. PRE Policy
  42. Protection of biometric information policy
  43. Provider Access
  44. Racist Incidents policy
  45. Remote and virtual decision policy
  46. RSE & PSHE policy 2022-25
  47. Safeguarding Policy
  48. Safer Recruitment Procedures
  49. School uniform policy
  50. SEND Policy
  51. SMSC policy
  52. Spiritual Development policy
  53. Teaching and Learning Policy
  54. The Piggott School Accessibility Plan - Action Plan
  55. The Piggott School Leadership Programme
  56. The Piggott School Travel Plan
  57. Wargrave Site Contingency Framework
  58. Wargrave Site Risk Assessment