News @ Piggott School

We are gearing up for an exciting and busy year at The Piggott School and we want you to be the first to know about what's happening.
As well as referring to your emails, you can keep up with all the latest news and events from The Piggott School via our website, our School News App (instructions here), Twitter and our School Blog.
You can find our 2021-2022 calendar online here and don't miss our new Sixth Form Careers Bulletin - your fortnightly round-up of all things post-Piggott including career and post-18 information and opportunities for students.
Follow us on Twitter @PiggottCESchool
Follow our Departments on Twitter:
A-Level Languages @piggenglang
Physical Education @PiggottPE
Computer Science @PiggottCS
Mathematics @3142ggott
History @piggotthistory
Sociology @piggology
Psychology @piggpsych
Science @PiggiodicTable
Business Studies @PiggottBS
Piggott Trips @PiggottTrips
If you once attended The Piggott School as a student, we would like to invite you to join our Piggott Alumni on Linkedin