20th Feb 2023
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you had a relaxing half term. What a relief that we are now firmly in February! The long cold days of January have passed, and Spring days will be with us very soon. Whilst in this mood of reflection I wanted to take the opportunity to update you on some the amazing events that have taken place recently at school or within our community. I think back to my school days fondly. The subject knowledge, skills and lessons I learnt every day have opened doors for me and have enabled me to progress in my career choices. However, it was the extra-curricular opportunities that were offered to me that I remember the most. This is what helped shape my character. As Tim Peakes said “Character is important – a CV may get you the interview, but character will get you the job.” Character Education and Cultural Capital are crucial aspects of development for our students and as such our staff really do their utmost to support the holistic learning of our students.