- The Piggott School
- The Piggott School: Charvil Primary
- About Us
- School Governors
- The Governing Body’s terms of reference
The Governing Body’s terms of reference
‘Go and do Likewise’ Luke 10:25-37, The Parable of the Good Samaritan
We live with love and compassion, seeking help in times of need
Governor with responsibility for Admissions:
Quorum: Three Governors including the Executive Headteacher.
Regularity of Meetings: three per year, with two week’s notice and other meetings arranged as necessary
- To implement and monitor the governor strategy within the realm of the Committee’s remit
- to keep under review documentation provided for parents in connection with the admissions and appeals processes and annually recommend to the Full Governing Body (FGB) the Admissions arrangements for the School (incl. criteria for oversubscription), proposing changes when relevant
- to call upon named Governors to whom the responsibility has been delegated, to consider and determine all applications for admissions to the school in accordance with the agreed policy (authority is delegated to the Headteacher to admit applicants when such admission will not cause the number in the relevant year group to exceed the PAN)
- ensure that the annual consultation process is carried out properly, including FGB approval
- to present the Governors’ case at Admissions Appeals hearings and any other proceedings involving admissions.
- To work with the Local Authority to meet the local need for places at the school in current and future years.
Governor with responsibility for careers:
- To implement and monitor the governor strategy within the realm of the Committee’s remit
- To oversee the strategy for careers education and guidance and ensure the school is meeting its legal requirements
- To ensure the careers strategy is developed in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks and informed by the requirements set out in the DfE statutory guidance.
- To take a strategic interest in careers education and guidance and encourage employer engagement.
- Formulate, review, monitor and approve the policies on: -
A: ECT’s (subject to final FGB approval)
B: Provider access (subject to final FGB approval)
Disciplinary Panel
Quorum: Three Governors (None of the governors will be an employee of the school) The Chair shall be appointed by the Panel on an ad hoc basis.
Regularity of Meetings: Hearings arranged as necessary
- To implement and monitor the governor strategy within the realm of the Committee’s remit
- To carry out the Governing Body’s responsibilities for reviewing exclusions and suspensions
- To comply with the Governing Body’s statutory obligations as set out by the DfE in their document: Suspension and permanent exclusion from maintained schools, academies and pupil referral Units in England, including pupil movement – guidance 2023 and/or associated statutory guidance/legislation
- To consider representations, if made, by parents of a pupil suspended for 1 - 5 school days in aggregate in a term, and to ensure that a note of the Committee’s views on the suspension is placed on the pupil’s record, with a copy of the Headteacher’s suspension letter
- To review at a meeting: (a) suspensions of 6-15 days, if the parents make representations and request a review meeting (b) all suspensions of more than 15 school days in aggregate in a term (c) all suspensions and permanent exclusions which would deny a pupil the chance to take a public examination or National Curriculum test; (If convening a meeting before the exam date is not possible, this decision can be taken by the Chair of Governors using their emergency powers) (d) all permanent exclusions
- To represent the Governing Body at any hearing of the case by the Independent Review Panel and to prepare the Governing Body’s statement.
- To consider staff disciplinary matters referred to the Governing Body by the Headteacher and take appropriate follow up action
- To consider appeals against dismissals made by the Executive Headteacher
- To consider capability appeals following the staff capability procedures
- To consider staff grievances following the staff grievance procedures
Governor(s) with responsibility for Equalities and Inclusion (KS3, 4 and 5)
- To implement and monitor the governor strategy within the realm of the Committee’s remit
- to ensure equality of opportunity for all students regardless of ability, aptitude, physical access and background
- to ensure equality of opportunity for staff and members of the Governing Body ensuring the Governing Body’s diversity statement is adhered to
- Formulate, review, monitor and approve the policies on: -
A: Equalities and equal opportunities (in consultation with the Primary Committee) (subject to final FGB approval)
Executive Headteacher Appraisal Committee
Quorum: Three Governors preferably including the Chair of Governors and Vice chair(s). None of the Committee members shall be an employee of the school.
Regularity of Meetings: One per year
- To implement and monitor the governor strategy within the realm of the Committee’s remit
- To ensure that at every stage the appraisal is formally linked to school improvement, strategic priorities and the agreed criteria identified in the performance objectives
- To be able to appoint an external advisor to support and advise the panel, if deemed necessary, during the Executive Headteacher’s appraisal process
- Review, with the external advisor, the agreed objectives for last year along with the Executive Headteacher’s overall performance and any challenges faced
- To lead the Executives Headteacher’s appraisal meeting
- To consider the Executives Headteacher’s learning, development and support needs and how these will be met
- To discuss and advise the Executive Headteacher of the objectives/targets/standards against which performance will be assessed during the coming year together with the measurable success criteria
- To make recommendations to the Pay Committee annually by 31st December of each year
- To undertake a review meeting after 6 months to consider the progress made towards the targets and standards and whether these need to be amended if there has been a change of circumstances
- Provide a written report to the Executive Headteacher of the appraisal including the assessments and any pay recommendations
Facilities Committee:
Quorum: Three Governors including the Executive Headteacher.
Regularity of Meetings: three per year with two weeks notice.
- To implement and monitor the governor strategy within the realm of the Committee’s remit
- Maintain a general oversight of the management of the school premises
- Develop, in conjunction with the Executive Headteacher, and oversee the implementation of the site development plans.
- Monitor budget and programme for maintenance across both sites in conjunction with the SIP and site development plan
- Monitor and maintain the Conditions Survey and Asset Management for both sites.
- Determine contracts for premises related goods and services, and to receive reports on the performance of those services (including contracts for cleaning and catering).
- Oversee the maintenance of adequate levels of Health and Safety in the school.
- to keep the School’s Health and Safety (H & S) procedures under review (incl Risk Assessments)
- Monitor the IT infrastructure, maintenance and upgrades across both sites
- Liaise with the Chair of Governors and the Lead Governor for Finance, to advise on major anticipated expenditure required for
- H&S reasons
- curriculum requirements
- planned improvements for outdated facilities
- Formulate, review, monitor and approve the policies on: -
A: First Aid
B: Health and safety (Secondary and Primary)
C: Information security guidelines
D: Protection of biometric information (subject to final FGB approval)
Finance Committee:
Quorum: Three Governors (Executive Headteacher to attend but does not have voting rights)
Regularity of Meetings: three per year with two weeks notice.
- The FGB has established the Finance Committee to act on its behalf in managing and monitoring the Academy’s finances as detailed in the Financial Policy.
Form of Delegation
- To implement and monitor the governor strategy within the realm of the Committee’s remit
- to review the monthly financial information provided by the Business Manager.
- to propose an annual budget for the approval of the Full Governing Body.
- in collaboration with two additional governors (one being the Chair or the Vice-Chair of Governors) to consider and, if thought fit, approve by delegated authority, exceptional terms of additional expenditure up to a limit of 2% of the year’s budgeted expenditure; such approval is delegated to the Executive Headteacher up to a limit of 1%.
- to ensure, as far as is possible, that financial procedures and expectations required by law, by the DfE, the Academy Trust Handbook and by the School’s auditors are in place and being properly implemented.
- to ensure an annual audit by an external provider takes place, and to oversee the annual audit and accounts process.
- receive and review the external auditors reports and ensure appropriate actions are taken to address any recommendations made.
- to approve the Headteachers’ and Executive Headteacher’s expenses.
- Ensure three Responsible Officer visits are carried out annually, reports are received and any recommendations are addressed, if appropriate.
- Agree a scheme of delegation in respect of the school’s financial controls and procedures.
- Agree the writing off of bad debts and the recording of assets.
- Ensure adequate insurances for the school.
- Ensure that obligations to the HMRC, DfE and those due in regard to superannuation schemes, are met, that adequate records are kept and returns made, where required.
- Agree contracts or other arrangements, as appropriate, for the supply of payroll and pensions administration.
- Ensure a risk register is maintained, reviewed termly and any high risks are mitigated where possible.
- To oversee any budget reduction plan, if necessary.
- To oversee the pupil premium spend, sports funding, catch up funding and/or similar in conjunction with the SALT Committee.
- Formulate, review, monitor and approve the policies on: -
A: Charging and remissions (subject to final FGB approval)
B: Employer discretions
C: Finance (subject to final FGB approval)
D: Governor expenses (subject to final FGB approval)
E: Risk (subject to final FGB approval)
Governor with responsibility for Leadership and Management:
- To implement and monitor the governor strategy within the realm of the Committee’s remit
- to monitor and, where necessary and/or appropriate, challenge the School’s development priorities and its self-evaluation of progress towards these priorities undertaken by the senior leaders
- to be aware of the leadership opportunities being made available to all members of staff
- providing support for the Headteachers and Executive Headteacher to enable rigorous and robust management, especially at times when difficult personnel decisions must be made
- to work with the Headteachers and Executive Headteacher to ensure that all Governors remain aware of their responsibilities to challenge and hold senior staff to account for student achievement.
- to monitor appointments of all staff
- to offer exit interviews to employees leaving the school and to identify any trends.
- to monitor the performance review procedures and ensure arrangements are in place for the Executive Headteacher’s appraisal
- to ensure strategies are in place for succession planning, especially in respect of professional development (CPD) opportunities that enable staff and governors to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of leadership and management
- to be informed of any disciplinary action against a pupil or employee and any trends identified.
- Formulate, review, monitor and approve the policies on: -
A: Allegations of abuse against staff (subject to final FGB approval)
B: Capability policy and procedures (subject to final FGB approval)
C: Dignity at work (Wargrave and Charvil)
D: Disciplinary procedures (subject to final FGB approval)
E: Freedom of Information (subject to final FGB approval)
F: General complaints policy and procedures (subject to final FGB approval) (Secondary and Primary)
G: Grievance procedures (subject to final FGB approval)
H: Redundancy/restructure
I: Remote decision (subject to final FGB approval)
J: Sickness procedures
K: Staff discipline & grievance (subject to final FGB approval)
L: Staff code of conduct (subject to final FGB approval)
M: Support staff probation
N: Whistleblowing (subject to final FGB approval)
Pay Committee
Quorum: Three Governors plus the Executive Headteacher. None of the Committee members, save for the Executive Headteacher, shall be an employee of the school.
Regularity of Meetings: three per year with two weeks’ notice.
- To implement and monitor the governor strategy within the realm of the Committee’s remit
- Approve performance related pay progression for all employees including the SLT, Executive Headteacher and Headteachers considering the Executive Headteacher’s, and where appropriate Headteacher, recommendations or in the case of the Executive Headteacher’s pay the recommendations of the Executive Headteacher Appraisal Group.
- Review and approve, if appropriate, any recommendations made by the STPCD and/or Executive Headteacher to increase the pay scales.
- Review annually the TLR structure.
- Consider and recommend additional benefits to employees outside remuneration.
- Consider and hear any salary appeals.
- Formulate, review, monitor and approve the policies on: -
A: Pay policy and procedures (subject to final FGB approval)
B: Appraisal policy and procedures
C: Support staff appraisal
Primary Committee
Quorum: Three Governors plus the Charvil Primary Headteacher (or a delegated representative of the Headteacher.)
Regularity of Meetings: three per year with two weeks’ notice.
In relation to Early Years and Key Stages 1 and 2:
- To implement and monitor the governor strategy within the realm of the Committee’s remit
- to have oversight of and recommend to the Full Governing Body (FGB) challenging achievement targets for all learners
- to monitor the plans and actions taken at school to ensure progress towards these targets
- review learner outcomes e.g. result in the light of the targets set and report regularly on these to the FGB
- to monitor funding, learning needs/provision, curriculum and standards for all students including subgroups of pupils save for PSHE and SRE;
- to understand and monitor the steps being taken to improve standards of teaching and learning for all students and cohorts of students, in order for achievement targets to be achieved
- to anticipate and be aware of the implications of curriculum developments proposed internally and/or required by the DfE; to provide a challenging sounding board for SLT’s plans and to monitor the impact (in learning outcomes, if possible) of specific curriculum developments save for PSHE and SRE.
- to regularly review and make recommendations to the Governing Body in respect of the school’s curriculum aims
- to monitor and review curriculum plans as part of the School’s budget preparation, considering the impact of these plans on resources, school organisation and future learning outcomes
- to make recommendations to the Governing Body for the School’s Improvement Plan
- To oversee the website and ensure its compliance
- to have oversight of achievement targets for all disadvantaged pupils and those that are more and most able, gifted and talented
- to monitor the plans and actions taken at school to ensure progress towards these targets for disadvantaged and more and most able
- review learner outcomes e.g. external examination results in the light of the targets set and report regularly on these to the FGB
- to monitor funding, learning needs/provision, curriculum and standards for disadvantaged pupils and for more and most able;
- to understand and monitor the steps being taken to improve standards of teaching and learning for disadvantaged and more and most pupils
- To ensure that the looked after children (LAC) have the same opportunities as all other pupils
- To monitor whether looked-after and previously looked-after children have made the expected or better levels of progress in line with their peers (i.e. educational, social and emotional progress);
- To monitor whether the pattern of attendance and exclusions for looked-after and previously looked-after children is different to that of other children at the school;
- To monitor whether the school’s policies are sensitive to the needs of LAC, e.g. in accessing out of school hours learning, respecting the children’s wishes and feelings about their care status or generally meeting their needs as identified in their personal education plans (PEPs);
- To monitor whether the school’s behaviour management policy is sufficiently flexible to respond to looked-after and previously looked-after children’s challenging behaviour in the most effective way for those children;
- To monitor how the teaching and learning needs of looked-after and previously looked-after children are reflected in school policies, in particular in relation to interventions and resources;
- To monitor whether any looked-after and previously looked-after children are identified as gifted and talented and how those needs are being met;
- To monitor whether any looked-after or previously looked-after children face additional safeguarding challenges of which the school’s designated safeguarding lead should be aware;
- To monitor whether any looked-after and previously looked-after children have special educational needs (SEN) and whether those needs are being identified and met at the appropriate level; To monitor whether any looked-after and previously looked-after children have mental health needs and whether those needs are being identified and met;
- To ensure that relevant staff receive appropriate training and that all staff have regular CPD supporting their understanding of LAC.
- To monitor that the additional monies through Pupil Premium Plus and top up funding provided for the LAC has an impact and improves the outcomes and opportunities for that young person.
- to ensure equality of opportunity for all students regardless of ability, aptitude, physical access and background
- to have oversight of and recommend Equalities Objectives to the Full Governing Body (FGB)
- to report to the FGB on the School’s SEN procedures and advise on how they are impacting on the achievement of students with learning difficulties
- to have oversight of the impact of the SEN budget on learning outcomes (especially in relation to ‘Closing the Gap’)
- to provide support for the School’s SENCos
- to ensure equality of opportunity for staff and members of the Governing Body ensuring the Governing Body’s diversity statement is adhered to
- to have oversight of all safeguarding procedures (staff and student) in school
- understand the steps being taken to ensure all students are kept safe
- Ensure there are effective filtering and monitoring IT systems in place
- Formulate, review, monitor and approve the policies on: -
A: Accessibility Primary) (subject to final FGB approval)
B: Assessment
C: Attendance (Primary)
D: Behaviour (student) (Primary)
E: Children with health needs that cannot attend school (subject to final FGB approval) (In consultation with the Lead Governor for Safeguarding for KS3 4 and 5)
F: Curriculum (Primary and EYFS) (EYFS policy subject to final FGB approval)
G: Designated teacher for looked after children (subject to final FGB approval)
H: Equalities and equal opportunities (in consultation with the Lead Governor for Equalities for KS 3,4 and 5) (subject to final FGB approval)
J: Medical needs (subject to final approval from the FGB) (Primary)
K: More and Most able, gifted and talented (Primary)
L: Phonics
M: PREVENT (In consultation with the Lead Governor for Safeguarding for KS3, 4 and 5) (subject to final FGB approval)
N: Safeguarding (subject to approval from the FGB) (Primary)
O: SEN (subject to final FGB approval) (Primary)
P: Teaching and learning (Primary)
Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding:
- to have oversight of all safeguarding procedures (staff and student) in school
- Ensure there are effective filtering and monitoring IT systems in place
- to regularly (at least annually) ensure the Single Central Register is updated and complete
- understand the steps being taken to ensure all students are kept safe
- Formulate, review, monitor and approve the policies on: -
A: Children with health needs that cannot attend school (subject to final FGB approval) (in consultation with the Primary Committee) (Primary and Secondary)
B: Medical needs (subject to final approval from the FGB) (Secondary)
C: Prevent (in consultation with the Primary Committee)
D: Safeguarding (subject to approval from the FGB) (Secondary)
Standards, Achievement, Learning and Teaching (SALT):
Quorum: Three Governors plus the Headteacher (Wargrave) or delegated member of the SLT.
Regularity of Meetings: three per year with two weeks notice.
For key stages 3, 4 and 5:
- To implement and monitor the governor strategy within the realm of the Committee’s remit
- to have oversight of and recommend to the Full Governing Body (FGB) challenging achievement targets for all learners
- to monitor the plans and actions taken at school to ensure progress towards these targets
- review learner outcomes e.g. external examination results in the light of the targets set and report regularly on these to the FGB
- to monitor funding, learning needs/provision, curriculum and standards for all students including subgroups of pupils save for PSHE and SRE;
- to understand and monitor the steps being taken to improve standards of teaching and learning for all students and cohorts of students, in order for achievement targets to be achieved
- to anticipate and be aware of the implications of curriculum developments proposed internally and/or required by the DfE; to provide a challenging sounding board for SLT’s plans and to monitor the impact (in learning outcomes, if possible) of specific curriculum developments save for PSHE and SRE
- to regularly review and make recommendations to the Governing Body in respect of the school’s curriculum aims
- to monitor and review curriculum plans as part of the School’s budget preparation, considering the impact of these plans on resources, school organisation and future learning outcomes
- to make recommendations to the Governing Body for the School’s Improvement Plan
- To oversee the website and ensure its compliance
- to have oversight of achievement targets for all disadvantaged pupils and those that are more and most able, gifted and talented
- to monitor the plans and actions taken at school to ensure progress towards targets for disadvantaged and more and most able, gifted and talented pupils
- review learner outcomes for disadvantaged pupils and more and most able, gifted and talented e.g. external examination results in the light of the targets set and report regularly on these to the FGB
- to monitor funding, learning needs/provision, curriculum and standards for disadvantaged pupils and more and most able, gifted and talented
- to understand and monitor the steps being taken to improve standards of teaching and learning for disadvantaged pupils and more and most able, gifted and talented
- to report to the FGB on the School’s SEND procedures and advise on how they are impacting on the achievement of students with learning difficulties
- to provide support for the School’s SENDCos
- To ensure that the looked after children (LAC) have the same opportunities as all other pupils
- To monitor whether looked-after and previously looked-after children have made the expected or better levels of progress in line with their peers (i.e. educational, social and emotional progress);
- To monitor whether the pattern of attendance and exclusions for looked-after and previously looked-after children is different to that of other children at the school;
- To monitor whether the school’s policies are sensitive to the needs of LAC, e.g. in accessing out of school hours learning, respecting the children’s wishes and feelings about their care status or generally meeting their needs as identified in their personal education plans (PEPs);
- To monitor whether the school’s behaviour management policy is sufficiently flexible to respond to looked-after and previously looked-after children’s challenging behaviour in the most effective way for those children;
- To monitor how the teaching and learning needs of looked-after and previously looked-after children are reflected in school policies, in particular in relation to interventions and resources;
- To monitor whether any looked-after and previously looked-after children are identified as gifted and talented and how those needs are being met;
- To monitor whether any looked-after or previously looked-after children face additional safeguarding challenges of which the school’s designated safeguarding lead should be aware;
- To monitor whether any looked-after and previously looked-after children have special educational needs (SEN) and whether those needs are being identified and met at the appropriate level; To monitor whether any looked-after and previously looked-after children have mental health needs and whether those needs are being identified and met;
- To ensure that relevant staff receive appropriate training and that all staff have regular CPD supporting their understanding of LAC.
- To monitor that the additional monies through Pupil Premium Plus and top up funding provided for the LAC has an impact and improves the outcomes and opportunities for that young person.
- Formulate, review, monitor and approve the policies on: -
A: Acceptable internet usage
B: Assessment
C: Attendance (Secondary)
D: Behaviour (student) (Secondary)
E: Bring your own device
F: Curriculum (secondary)
G: Designated teacher for looked after children (Secondary) (subject to final FGB approval)
H: Exclusion (subject to final FGB approval)
I: Internet access
J: Post 16 bursary
K: Teaching and learning (Secondary)
L: Exam contingency
M: Management of non-examination assessments (exams)
N: Accessibility (Secondary) (subject to final FGB approval)
O: Moving and handling
P: SEND ( subject to final FGB approval)
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development of all pupils:-
Membership of the Committee: Wherever possible there will be at least 2 Foundation Governors representing separate parishes from within the School’s designated area. In addition, the Wargrave Secondary Headteacher, Charvil Primary Headteacher, a Staff Governor and the subject leader for Religious Education will be members of the Committee.
Quorum: Three Governors.
Regularity of Meetings: three per year with two weeks notice
Responsibilities: Recognising that the school aims to preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England, the Committee will advise the Governing Body on its statutory obligations and in particular it will:
- Formulate, review and monitor the policy on: -
A: Anti-bullying (Secondary and Primary)
B: Collective Worship
C: Educational visits
D: PRE (Secondary)
E: Racist Incidents
F: RE and PSHCE (Primary only)
G: RSE (Primary)
H: RSE & PSHCE (Secondary)
I: SMSC policy
J: Spiritual Development (Secondary and Primary)
K: School Uniform
- Review and monitor the effectiveness of the school’s Christian Vision and its impact
- Ensure the provision of Collective Christian Worship for students at the School reflects both the spirit and letter of the law.
- Working with members of the School’s Leadership Team and Head of Religious Education to monitor and evaluate the provision for and outcomes of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education and Collective Worship at the school, drawing upon the guidance of the SIAMS Self-Evaluation and Inspection Framework.
- Contribute to, monitor and support the work of the School within the community, in particular its work with other Church schools, local and national charities, the Diocese of Oxford, local parishes and people from other faith communities, to further enhance community cohesion. Regular review of charitable giving from across the school by the SMSC committee to monitor its appropriateness.
- Encourage, promote, facilitate and celebrate activities that bring to life the School’s values of Courage, Respect, Honesty, Dedication, Equality and Love, (e.g. voluntary service within the local community including through Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme and National Citizen Service).
- Encourage, promote, monitor and support the wellbeing of the staff and student bodies.
- Monitor any bullying, harassment and peer on peer sexual abuse incidents annually and support the school in identifying any trends and promoting any antibullying and harassment work.
- Ensure provision of high-quality religious education.
- Monitor and support the effective provision of a PSHE and SRE curriculum.
- Ensure the school is promoting British Values and is adhering to the Prevent policy.
- Monitor and support the provision of cultural capital and character education including the breath of school trips offered.
- Monitor what the impact is of any of the school’s policies, e.g. on charging for educational visits and extended school activities, on subgroups of pupils such as disadvantaged, looked after children etc
- To implement and monitor the governor strategy within the realm of the Committee’s remit