Year 8 Options 2025

Choosing Year 8 into Year 9 options is one of the most exciting times in a student’s education as it gives them their first real opportunity to select some of the subjects that they will study. It also marks the start of planning for the future; the decisions that are made now will have an impact on post 16 and career choices.
At The Piggott School our aim is to offer all students a broad, well balanced and relevant learning programme.
All students will continue to study the examined ‘core’ subjects of: English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science (Triple or combined) and Religious Studies.
Students will also study courses in Physical Education and PSHCE. Opportunities exist to study a range of other GCSE courses.
Please take the time to read the information below. Option Evening is usually held in January and more information will be provided here later in the year.
Key Dates for GCSE Options 2025
Thursday 16th January - Options Information - Live on website
Friday 17th January - Options Portal log in details sent to students
Thursday 6th February - Online Parents’ Evening
Friday 7th February - Deadline for options preference form
Early March Options - discussions begin
End of the summer term - Option choices confirmed